By checking the electronic 1099 authorization box, you agree to and understand the following:
- You are opting in to receiving an electronic copy of your 1099-Misc, 1099-K, and/or 1099-NEC form.
- You will receive an electronic 1099 from each business that has paid you via Gig Wage, unless they opt out of using our 1099 filing service.
- You can opt out of receiving an electronic copy and instead receive a hard copy mailed to your physical address by visiting your Gig Wage account settings and changing your preference.
- This consent to receive an electronic 1099 will remain in place so long as you do not opt out.
- Any electronic 1099s made available to you will remain available indefinitely until you request that your Gig Wage account be closed and/or deleted.
- For any questions, concerns, changes or any other isssues, you can contact us at [email protected] or by visiting